The Archeological Study Bible was new last year. It is also a great resource. It is the product of my doctoral Alma Mater: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. I think this study Bible is especially important for those who may have overdosed on content study Bibles and commentaries. Even the way the pages are "browned" helps readers regain a fresh perspective on and experience of God's Word. The notes are good, but it's important to understand they are not inspired by theological questions as much as archeological questions. Also, if you're interested in this, note that it comes in different sizes. There is a smaller "personal" size, but you'll want to see if the print size works for you. I would recommend seeing before buying in this case. Most bookstores in our area have a copy of this for sale that you can peruse. This Bible also comes with online resources.
What a privilege and responsibility to live under the protective hand of God so much that we can have a discussion of which luxurious study Bible we want to buy next. Many Christians in other parts of our world cannot imagine this. Don't take it lightly. Keep praying and studying as if you know such privilege can at best be a temporary thing in a world like ours where God has assured us that if we live for Him, we will eventually face persecution (2 Timothy 3:12).
If you've chosen a new Bible for a new round of Bible study, perhaps timed with the new year, drop me a line to let me know. I'm especially interested in encouraging any who want to read through the Bible in a year. All commitments get stronger when we tell others about them. It makes us less likely to talk ourselves out of it when the going gets tough: when you get to Leviticus. Have fun exploring the wonders of God's Word.
I have this bible..this is the one I read at night... I love it! It has lots of other information to go along with the scripture.
Hi and thank you! I had been thinking of buying this Bible. Based on your suggestions and Dee's comments, I just bought it. CBD was also pleased! ;-)
This will be my new Bible study with 1 or 2 volumes of the Ancient Christian Commentary series (haven't OD'd on commentaries just yet!). Leviticus isn't my downfall, that would be Numbers. I have to take care not to "blip" over the Hebrew names the same way I "blip" over the Russian names in "The Brothers Karamazov". Bad habit.
And thank you for starting this blog. It has already been a blessing for me and Tom.
This Bible arrived. wow! The notes and sidebars are incredible, very well written, totally substantiated. It's a great study Bible. I'm learning alot and now want to go to Padan Aram much to the consternation of Tom who wanted to go to Sicily. :-)
Quick question... has anyone read "The Blue Parakeet" by Scot McKnight? It's about our tendency to be selective in reading and applying parts of scripture to our lives. I have not yet bought or read it and am wondering if it would be worthwhile to do so. Thanks. Hope that is a fairly relevent question for this forum/blog.
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