Happy New Year to all! Congratulations to all who met or even attempted to meet their Bible reading goals for 2009. Special kudos to Dan Melvin for "surviving" and accomplishing the ESV Study Bible reading plan. (Any others out there? Let me know.)
OK, two new things for a new decade and a new year and a new day...
1) Like Dan, I'm paring back to a simpler Bible reading plan. It still involves reading through the Bible in a year, but this year I've bought an NRSV XL Bible (pictured here) with NO NOTES. I'm simply going to read and ruminate on the Biblical text and write what comes to my spirit in a journal. I so desperately need this. I also already like the NRSV better than the ESV, but I'm still trying to get over my sense of being betrayed by the ESV people after discovering that there are two different ESV's (2002 and 2007), which I found to be too different to excuse no mention of the rewrite between the two. It was a secret, I guess. I'll get over it, but, for now, I like everything about the NRSV so far. Where would we be without scholars like Bruce M. Metzger? I am so grateful for him and his work.
2) I'm praying and working on starting what I'm calling the Goodwill Bible Institute (GBI). This will be unveiled as we enter the new building with our new schedule featuring 9:45am-10:45am "Sunday School" for all ages. The Institute, which I'll preside over, will be for all adults as well as for kids who've been through confirmation classes. Here's the mission: "We exist to increase and improve Biblical literacy and living at Goodwill Church and throughout New York's Hudson Valley." More details to follow. Hope you're excited.
May God richly bless your Bible reading in 2010! Let me know what you're doing and let me know how I can help.
"Hope you're excited."
No doubt, yes.
"Let me know what you're doing" Well this year I'm doing what I've been doing since June 2002, that is the Daily Bread reading of the bible in a year. I use a NIV study bible, (although I read the Message version twice) unlike the pastor, I need the notes. I've never considered another plan, maybe I'll do the ESV next year with a different version of the bible...NRSV?
The NRSV is one of my mom's fav versions.
I still just own my mini hot pink Italian leather Bible. It's NIV with no notes and teeny tiny print. One day, I'll upgrade, but for now, still traveling light.
I still get commentary from Scripture Union's 'Encounter with God'. It is the 5 yr plan for the OT and the 2 yr plan for the NT. I call it the NO PRESSURE approach. :) 100% success rate so for by me for over a year. :)
I also added again a few devotionals, as I needed the extra encouragement. (Daily Bread and In touch).
So, I found myself reading my NIV. (Vita enjoyed the online features of the ESV - and loved reading that bible!) I am in Acts; it's been my morning time with God. I have been continually blessed and amazed that no matter where I am in my reading, it opens my eyes and senses. There are questions that are what I would call "study" questions arising - which is cool. For instance, most people seem to love John and point people there as new believers. I find that Matthew, Mark, and Luke provide me with perspectives and nuances I do not get from John. Getting the "background stories" would be a great thing. Blessings Pastor!
whatever happened to the GBI-Goodwill Bible Institute? It sounded like a fantastic idea to me!
What we're doing during "Sunday School" hour is the beginning of GBI. I'll be teaching a class in two weeks that we'll be taping for broadcasts. All this to say, the idea lives! Thanks for the encouragement!
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